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Ballroom Latin Swing – Line Dance

To live is to dance. To dance is to live!

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There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them. ~Vicki Baum

Stifling an urge to dance is bad for your health - it rusts your spirit and your hips. ~Terri Guillemets

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The Laws of the Universe By Maja Serve

I have been asked about the laws of the universe and how they are and can be used in the Ballroom dance/dancesport setting.

I am going to describe the Laws as they are defined. These Laws are universal Laws and should be work into everyday life as well as in the dancing. They may come across as being complicated and very similar. They do all tie together and fit under the one Great Law “ENERGY IS”. Have fun working them into your life and dance. Remember dance is life and life is a dance so they are all tied together. Work on the Laws and master the Laws. What goes on in your life will be visible in your dancing.


There is but one Great Law: namely “ENERGY IS”

All physical and mental science is based on this one great law and it seven subsidiary laws which operate in co-ordination with each other.

The seven subsidiary Laws are…

1) The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

2) The Law of Relativity

3) The Law of Vibration

4) The Law of Polarity

5) The Law of Rhythm

6) The Law of Cause and Effect

7) The Law of Gender

These laws or rules govern every individual. You can act in accordance with these laws or you can disregard them.

We have the capacity to choose to use them to our advantage or not, but you can’t alter them.

If you want to be successful in life it is better to live in accordance to these laws.

Let me go more into details of each of these laws….

1) The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

This Law states that energy moves into physical form and that the images you hold in your mind most often materialize in results in your life.

The law explains that everything in the universe that we can see, hear, smell, taste or touch together with our emotions, is the manifestation of energy in various levels of vibration. The universe as a whole is changing all the time. Change is the only constant in the universe.

Change is Energy’s only attribute. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. It is the cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed.

This law explains that the non-physical level of life is always moving into physical form. The physical level of life is a manifestation of the non-physical. Emotions are expressed with and through the body. The body is moving into action which produces the result.

The law explains the creative process. It also explains prayer. Prayer is the movement that takes place between spirit and form with and through you.

As an example

Thought energy – non-physical- energy-spirit-thought stirs emotions and emotions are expressed with and through the body thereby becoming a physical manifestation of your thoughts. In dancing this means that you need to have an idea of your dancing before you can make it into it physical form. If you have no idea of what you want to look like or do you can’t create it in its physical form. The clearer you are on what it is you want in your dancing, the better the creation in its physical form it will be.

What goes on in your life will show up in one way or another in your dancing. It is therefore important that you not only work on your physical dancing but also on your mental dancing.

Remember everything in this universe is created twice, once in the mind and then in its physical form. That is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation at work. You do need have a clear idea of what you want to create before you are able to get your body to create it. You also need to face and deal with the fears that you hold in your mind. A child’s mind is like a cup and everything that the people around you were thinking and doing will be programed into your mind. You may have fears that you are not consciously aware off and they may be the fear that is holding you back from succeeding. Let me give you all an example of a fear that most people hold in their mind that will hold them back for succeeding in most sports.

When you were a child the people that looked after you, probably told you to be careful or you would FALL. They may even have “promised” you that if you were to fall you would hurt yourself. They made falling into a bad thing. Most sports work on falling to more or less of degree. You are taught to work to the limits just before falling over. The ability to get to the limit may be hindered by the fear that the people that took care of you instilled in you. They, of cause, didn’t do this out of malice. This “promise” of hurting yourself for many people develop over time into a fear that is now holding you back for reaching your full potential.

2) The Law of Relativity

This law state that everything just “Is” until it is compared to something else. Nothing is big or small until they are compared.

When you study this law, you will find that all things are relative. All laws are related to each other and correspond with each other. The laws of the little are the laws of the great. There is no big nor small, fast nor slow except by comparison. Every law that is a law must be relative to all other laws. In other words, they must be in harmony, agreement and correspond with each other. Whenever this law is properly used, you win. Remember that everybody does something better than you and, likewise you do something better than every person you meet. When you relate something you do that you are not proficient at, to something another person does that they have mastered, you will not look good. You are using the law against yourself. Begin using this law to heighten your self-esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.

The studio you learn to dance in is not big nor small until you compare it to other places. I am sure the studio is a lot bigger than the bathroom at your house but it is a lot smaller than the Winter Garden in Blackpool. You are not fast or slow until you compare it to somebody or something that is either faster or slower than you are. In dancing you are compared to the other dancers by the judges. The judges then mark you according to what they see as being better. Use this law to help you understand that you need to be slow at time to appear fast and that you need to have a small topline in order to show a big topline.

3) The Law of Vibration

This law states that everything vibrates, nothing is ever at rest.

Your thoughts control your paradigms and your vibration. Your vibration dictates what you attract into your life. What you focus on is always moving towards you and it is always moving towards you. You could call it action and attraction. This is where the intuitive factor is used. You can use it to pick up other peoples vibration. When you become conscious awareness of vibration is called feelings. Your thoughts are vibrations that you send off into the universe. When you concentrate, the vibrations are stronger. Your thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space. Thought is the most potent vibration. Your thought controls the vibration your physical body is in. Disease is the body that is not at ease. Health is a body at ease.

Use this law to attract the healthy body that you need for dancing. Use the law to attract the teachers and information you need. Use the gut feeling to tell you if a vibration is going to help you get what you want or if you should change direction. You will also be able to use this Law to sense what your partner wants you to do even if you are not in contact with your partner. This Law is also used by judges as they will pick up either consciously or unconsciously what vibration you are in. They can in other words tell whether you are confident or not just by sensing the vibration you are sending out.

4) Law of Polarity

This law states that everything has an opposite….it is equal and opposite.

Everything in the universe has its opposite. There would be no inside to a room if there was no outside to the room. You have a right and a left side to your body, a front and back. Every up has a down and every down has an up. If there is 4 feet from you to the wall there is also be 4 feet from the wall to you. If something bad happens in your life there has to be something good about it. Realize that everything situation JUST IS. You make it negative or positive of virtue of how you choose to think of the situation.

If something happens that you perceive to be negative turn it around and look for the positive in the situation. A bad result could be what you needed to change things around and create better results.

The best way to explain this Law is to relate it to my own situation. I had torn meniscus and loose cross tendons in both knees before I started dancing. I used this to my advantage as I could tell from the pain that I felt if I lowered wrong. I used my “disadvantage” to an advantage and it helped me improve where most people that didn’t have the knowledge of this Law would have focused on the disadvantage. I could use my knee issue either way. It was not good or bad till I chose to use it for good.

5) The Law of Rhythm

The law of Rhythm states that everything moves in rhythm. The tide comes in and goes out….Night follows day….bad times follow good times.

The Law of Rhythm embodies the truth that everything is moving to and fro. Everything is flowing, both in and out, in accordance with this law. There is always a reaction to every action. Something must advance when anything retreats. Something must rise when something sinks. Men and women can observe this law in their mental, physical and emotional states. The Law of Rhythm is universals. This law governs the movement of the planets in their orbits and also manifests in the mineral and animal kingdoms. You are not going to feel good all the time, no one does. If you did feel good all the time you recognize it as you had nothing to compare it to. The Low Feelings are what makes you enjoy the Good Feelings. There will always be highs and lows in your life. You get to choose your thoughts about the bad feelings. Even when you are on a natural downswing, you can choose good thought and thereby continue to move towards your goal.

When you feel your dancing is not going well use that as a guide to when it is feeling great. Know that your partner may not feel good to you today but you are only able to recognize this because there was a time when s/he didn’t feel good to you. Appreciate the downs so that you can feel and enjoy the ups. I am sure that all top dancers would agree with me that they didn’t feel great every time they danced. They felt bad but choose to get on-with-it and in some times that later turned out to be a great night. Use the Law of Rhythm to appreciate the bad times so you can enjoy the good times.

6) The Law of Cause and Effect

This law states that everything you send out into the universe comes back. Action – reaction are equal and opposite. This law is also sometimes called The Law of Psychological Reciprocity.

Every cause has its effect; every effect, its cause. There is no such thing as chance. Everything happens according to the law. Nothing in the entire universe ever happens, unless it occurs according the law. Nothing ever escapes the law. It is impossible for the human mind to conceive of starting a new chain of causation, for the simple reason that every effect must have a cause; and in turn, that cause must have an effect. That basically leads to the perpetual, never-ending cycle of cause and effect.

Learn to live by this law and forget about luck. When you put positive out, you will get a positive back, but rarely straight away. When you put negative out, you will get one back. Use this law to help you get positive back. When somebody gives you a positive give one right back. When somebody sends you a negative, step aside and let it keep going.

When you are angry with a fellow dancer because they bumped into you during the competition, let it go. If you get negative about it you could find yourself in a collision later. When you get a bad result congratulate your competition. This could help you later to get a good result. Treat your partner with respect as you would want them to respect you too. Know that every thought and action that you sent out will come back to you sooner or later.

7) The Law of Gender

This Law manifests in ALL things as masculine or feminine. It is the law that governs what we know as creation.

The word creation is often erroneously used. Most time nothing is really created but in reality it is merely a result of changing something from one format to another. The Law of Gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. Without the dual principle of male and female in all things, there could not be a difference of potential, perpetuation of motion, nor a regeneration. This Law decrees that everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for lie to exist. This law also decrees that all seeds have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest. Ideas are spiritual seeds. When you choose a goal or build the image in your mind, a definite period of time must elapse before that image manifests in the physical result.

Be patient…all ideas move into physical form or results at the right time. Your goals will manifest when the time is right….know the will….

This is the Law that many people have trouble with. They set a goal and then don’t feed the goal. You need to have a clear goal, feed the goal and then know and expect that goal to happen. If you were to plant a seed of a carrot a famer could tell you almost to the day when that carrot will be ready to harvest. Ideas are spiritual seeds but we human has as of yet not developed the awareness of how long it takes for a spiritual seed to mature. It has to be noted it also depends on how much you feed the seed. These is where having a goal card, carry it on you and read it often can be of great help.

These laws will work for you, I guarantee it. It might take a little time to learn how they are integrated in your dancing and how to get the most out of them. You will also with time learn that these laws are deep. Every time you work on them you will get to a deeper insight of them and a deep level of use for your life and dancing. Have fun exploring and developing the unlimited potential that these laws promote.

What goes on in your life will show up in one way or another in your dancing. It is therefore important that you not only work on your physical dancing but also on your mental dancing. Remember everything in this universe is created twice, once in the mind and then in its physical form. You do need have a clear idea of what you want to create before you are able to get your body to create it. You also need to face and deal with the fears that you hold in your mind. A child’s mind is like a cup and everything that the people around you were thinking and doing will be stored in your mind. You may have fears that you are not consciously aware of and they may be the fear that is holding you back from succeeding. Let me give you all an example of a fear that most people hold in their mind that will hold them back for succeeding in most sports. When you were a child the people that looked after you probably told you to be careful or you would FALL. They may even have “promised” you that if you fell you would hurt yourself. They made falling into a bad thing. Most sports work one falling to more or less of degree. You are taught to work to the limits before falling over. The ability to get to the limit may be hindered by the fear that the people took care of you instilled in you. They of cause didn’t do this out of malice. This “promise” of hurting yourself could have developed into a fear now holding you back for reaching your full potential.

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